Easing Your Journey Of Mastering Tough Hip Hop Dance Moves

Easing Your Journey of Mastering Tough Hip Hop Dance Moves



Hip hop has its roots dated all the way back since the 70s, and it is mainly liked by the youth. However, you might be surprised that people of all other age groups, regardless of how old or how youthful, also use it as a way to exercise and keep fit.

Relatively complicated at first glance, hip hop dancing often includes high-speed and several blends of different moves. As such, this dance form can also be actually intense for some. For soon to be performers who just begin in this interest, they may become rather frustrated when they are not able to keep in mind a choreography. However, there are methods you can use to properly understand complicated moves and get better at it as you go.

The key to perfecting hip hop dancing easily is to get the essential principles right. Once you have obtained your fundamentals properly, you discover that you will begin to comprehend how your body moves and thus accelerates your learning at a much quicker rate and you might very well appreciate the choreography beyond just trying to determine what\’s the next phase. That is why those who persevered and got over the beginning stages of understanding hip hop fall amazingly in love with dancing.


Here are 3 tips on how to get started:

Tip 1: Imitate Hip Hop Professional Dancers

Switch on your TV, get the best music and hip hop choreography from channels such as MTV or VH1. Look at the entertainers perform and duplicate the best.

Tip 2: Move with the Beat of Any Song

It\’s so important to catch and be on beat in a particular song. While enjoying certain music, pay special attention to the beat of the bass sounds. Identify the driving beat of the song or tune and begin to feel it yourself by moving to it. For example, you can tap your feet to the beat, snap your fingers, clap your hands or even sway your body to the beat etc. The key is to disregard every other distraction and all disruptions and concentrate on discovering the beat. After listening enough, you are likely to be able to discover it.

Tip 3: Focus

Even if you have gone for

hip hop dance classes

before or you have tried to comprehend it yourself, the key is to forget about what you know. Dance is a creative form that an change all time hence you have to \’empty\’ the \’hard-drive\’ in the brain of what you think you already know and just concentrate on what you are working on currently.

I hope these 3 guidelines have been beneficial in supporting you on your voyage to perfecting complex hip hop dance moves. I wish you a lot of fun and that you will appreciate the experience!

Jianwei Huang, also known as JayyDoubleYouu, is a blogger at MusicInDance.com. MusicInDance.com aims to be the leading resource for online

hip hop dance classes

. This site gives aspiring dancers a chance to learn hip hop dance at affordable rates (or even FREE) in the comfort of your own home. For more information on

hip hop dance classes

online, visit http://www.musicindance.com today!

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